In News, why?

Astronomers rely on telescopes to observe and analyse celestial objects, making them essential equipment. In terms of telescope types, radio telescopes are gaining popularity since they are essential for solving cosmic mysteries because they can detect radio waves.

Describe the radio telescope.


A radio telescope is a tool for spotting and analysing radio waves emitted by celestial objects. The wavelengths of radio waves, a kind of electromagnetic radiation, range from about 1 millimetre to 10 metres. Radio telescopes are able to see through dust and gas clouds that obscure visible light, revealing the universe’s occulted structures and occurrences.


Due to their size, they are normally located on the ground rather than in orbit. It has two essential parts: a sizable antenna and a perceptive receiver. A parabolic dish is frequently used as the antenna, which reflects and concentrates incoming radio waves to a focal point. The radio frequencies are amplified and converted by the receiver into electrical impulses that computers can record and analyse.


In contrast to optical telescopes, which require clear, dark skies, it can work at any time of day. It can observe things like the cosmic microwave background radiation, pulsars, quasars, and black holes that are too faint or far away to be seen by optical telescopes. By identifying the spectral lines of different atoms and molecules, it can analyse the chemical make-up and physical properties of interstellar gas and dust clouds. By identifying the polarisation of radio waves, it can determine the magnetic fields and rotation rates of stars and galaxies.


A highly magnetised revolving neutron star known as a pulsar (from pulsing radio source) produces electromagnetic radiation beams from its magnetic poles. The majority of detected neutron stars are pulsars. Quasars are extremely bright objects in distant galaxies that release radio frequency jets. A quasar is one of the brightest things in the cosmos, with light that is brighter than the sum of all the stars in its host galaxy. Its jets and winds also help to shape the galaxy in which it is located.

A few instances of radio telescopes:

India’s Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope

India’s SARAS 3

Chile’s Atacama Desert is home to the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA).

FAST (China) is one of the largest spherical telescopes, measuring 500 metres in diameter.


Previous Year Questions (PYQ) for the UPSC Civil Services Exam

  1. Think about the subsequent (2008):

Radio waves arc in a magnetic field, according to assertion (A).

The electromagnetic nature of radio waves is the justification (R).

Which of the following statements is true?

(a) R is the proper justification for A, and both A and R are true on their own.

(b) Although R is not the best way to explain A, both A and R are true individually.

(c) R is untrue while A is true.

(d) R is true, but A is untrue.

Ans: (a)

  1. Radio transmission is facilitated by the ionosphere, a layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. Why? (2011)
  2. Radio waves are reflected back to Earth when ozone is present.
  3. The wavelength of radio waves is very long.

Which of the aforementioned statements is true?

(a) 1 alone

(b) 2 only

(c) 1 and 2 together

None of 1 or 2 (d)

Ans: (d)

Origin: TH



In News, why?

The Indian Prime Minister was in the United States on a crucial trip. In order to deepen the strategic partnership between the two nations, the visit concentrated on tackling shared problems, taking a position on international issues, working together on crucial new technologies, fostering sustainable development, and making the switch to clean energy.

What are the Particular Areas of Cooperation that the Visit Has Highlighted?

Strengthening Semiconductor Supply Chains: Micron Technology will invest in a new semiconductor assembly and test facility in India with assistance from the India Semiconductor Mission. To further the diversification of the semiconductor supply chain, Applied Materials will open a Semiconductor Centre for Commercialization and Innovation in India. Lam Research’s “Semiverse Solution” will train 60,000 Indian engineers to further the country’s aims for manpower and educational growth in the semiconductor industry.

Advanced Telecommunications: Public-private Joint Task Forces on the development and deployment of Open RAN systems as well as advanced telecoms research and development have been established by the US and India. The public-private research, which aims to lower costs, increase security, and improve the resiliency of telecommunication networks, will be co-led by Bharat 6G from India and the US Next G Alliance.

Open RAN, sometimes referred to as Open Radio Access Network, is a theory and method for developing radio access networks in the field of telecommunications. By separating the hardware from the software and fostering multi-vendor integration, it promises to give conventional RAN designs more openness, flexibility, and interoperability.

India has ratified the Artemis Accords, joining 26 other nations committed to cooperative space activities that are peaceful, long-lasting, and transparent exploration. Astronauts from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will receive advanced training from NASA in preparation for a combined mission to the International Space Station in 2024. By the end of 2023, a strategic framework for NASA and ISRO’s partnership in human spaceflight will be developed.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Advanced Wireless Technologies, and Quantum Technologies: The cooperation Indo-US Quantum Coordination Mechanism has been formed to facilitate cooperation research on these topics. Collaboration on ethical and trustworthy AI, particularly generative AI, will advance workforce efforts, business prospects, and AI education. Google’s investment in Indian businesses and an AI research lab was recognised, as was India’s leadership as the Global Partnership on AI’s chair. Investments in fibre optics: An optical fibre cable production facility near Columbia, South Carolina, has been built with a US$100 million investment by Sterlite Technologies Limited of India, enabling US$150 million in annual optical fibre exports from India.

Modern Research: The Department of Science and Technology of India and the US National Science Foundation collaborate on cutting-edge research. To promote cutting-edge technology, a collaboration agreement has been formed with India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Innovation Handshake: In support of the US-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET), the US-India Commercial Dialogue will establish a “Innovation Handshake” to link the startup ecosystems of the two nations.

India has joined the US-led Minerals Security Partnership (MSP), which is tasked with creating varied and long-lasting supply chains for vital energy minerals around the world. An American greenfield factory producing the components for electric vehicle batteries will be purchased by the Indian company Epsilon Carbon Limited.

Defence Partnership: An innovative plan to jointly construct GE’s F414 combat aircraft engines in India has been warmly received, facilitating a broader transfer of US jet engine technology. India wants to improve its capabilities for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance by purchasing armed MQ-9B SeaGuardian UAVs from General Atomics. In order to promote tighter cooperation, agreements have been established for the maintenance and repair of US Navy ships at Indian shipyards. By entering into Master Ship Repair Agreements with Indian shipyards, contracting procedures for in-flight and emergency repairs will be sped up. The India-US Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) has been launched with the goal of integrating the US defence industry with the private sector defence industry in India. A Defence Industrial Cooperation Roadmap will give the defence industry policy direction. The roadmap intends to facilitate cooperative research, testing, and prototyping as well as the co-production of advanced military systems.


There are four fundamental defence pacts between the US and India:

Geospatial Intelligence Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA).

Agreement for General Security of Military Information (GSOMIA).

Memorandum of Agreement for Logistics Exchange (LEMOA).

Agreement on Communication Compatibility and Security (COMCASA).

Fighting Terrorism and Drugs: The US and India are unified in their opposition to international terrorism, denouncing all kinds of violent extremism.

Actions against terrorist organisations on the UN’s list are prioritised, and Pakistan is urged to stop using its territory as a base for attacks. To prevent the manufacturing and distribution of illegal substances, including synthetic drugs and their precursors, a counternarcotics framework will be created.

Collaboration in the Indo-Pacific: The US will take part in the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative, which supports regional coordination and a safe, secure, and stable maritime domain. India will continue to take part in Partners in the Blue Pacific as an observer. To improve regional coordination, an Indian Ocean Dialogue will be held, bringing together experts and stakeholders.

Strengthening and Reforming the Multilateral System: Both nations were in favour of a wide-ranging UN reform agenda, which included increasing the number of permanent and non-permanent members of the UN Security Council. The United States supported both India’s bid for non-permanent membership on the UN Security Council for the years 2028–2029 and its permanent membership on a revamped UN Security Council.

Initiatives in Healthcare: Through funding for the creation of AI-enabled digital pathology platforms and AI-based automated radiotherapy for cancer, collaboration between US and Indian experts would be encouraged. There will be agreements made to further diabetic research, and a US-India Cancer Dialogue will be held to hasten the fight against cancer. For inclusive development, digital public infrastructure (DPI) is important.

Recognising the promise of DPI methodologies, both nations seek to take the lead globally in fostering equitable development, vibrant markets, and the defence of individual rights. To develop and implement reliable DPIs with protections for personal information, data security, and intellectual property, collaboration will be pursued. investigating the creation of an India-U.S. Partnership for Global Digital Development to support DPI implementation and development in underdeveloped nations.

Enhancing Trade and Investment Relations Between India and the United States:

With a focus on increased involvement and technical cooperation in emerging technologies, clean energy, and medicines, bilateral trade will surpass USD 191 billion in 2022. decreasing trade and investment obstacles, harmonising standards and regulations, and supporting a cutting-edge digital economy. Market access and unresolved WTO disputes should be resolved by further dialogue between India and the US. Forum for Trade Policy. Investigating restoring India’s status under American control. Participation in the Generalised System of Preferences and designation as a designated country under the Trade Agreements Act.

Sustainable Development: India and the US will continue to work together to advance national energy and climate goals, including co-chairing the Hydrogen Breakthrough Agenda. For Indian ventures involving renewable energy, battery storage, and developing green technologies, creative funding platforms will be developed. The goal of Indian Railways to achieve “net-zero” carbon emissions by 2030 will be supported by the US Agency for International Development. There are programmes in place to promote biofuels and decarbonize the transportation industry.

People-centered initiatives:

Certain petition-based temporary work visas are now easier to renew, which benefits Indian nationals and eliminates the need to leave the country for renewal. To promote tighter diplomatic ties, there are plans to open new consulates in Bengaluru and Ahmedabad. With a record number of Indian students receiving visas and more options for US undergraduate students to study or intern abroad, student exchanges and fellowships have improved. In order to advance study and instruction of India’s history and culture, the Leaders welcomed the creation of the Tamil Studies Chair at the University of Houston and the restoration of the Vivekananda Chair at the University of Chicago.


Questions from the previous year’s UPSC Civil Services Exam (PYQ)


Q.1 Take into account the following claims on the G-20: (2023)

  1. Finance ministers and central bank governors originally used the G20 group as a forum to address global economic and financial issues.
  2. India’s G-20 priorities include investing in digital public infrastructure.

Which of the aforementioned statements is true?

(a) 1 alone

(b) 2 only

(c) 1 and 2 together

None of 1 or 2 (d)

Ans: C


  1. Washington’s continued inability to identify for India a position in its global strategy that would satisfy India’s National self-esteem and goals is what causes friction in relations between India and the United States. Describe using appropriate instances. (2019)

Origin: HT



In News, why?

With the United States’ recent approval of lab-grown meat, specifically cell-cultivated chicken by two California-based companies, there has been a huge advancement in the field of sustainable food production. The “cell-cultivated chicken” can now be produced and sold thanks to approval from the US government granted to two California-based businesses, Good Meat and Upside Foods.

What is Meat Grown in a Lab?

Meat that is developed in a laboratory setting utilising isolated cells originating from animals is referred to as lab-grown meat, also known as cell-cultivated meat. These cells are given the resources they require, including as food and a healthy environment, to multiply and develop into edible meat. Bioreactors are specialised containers created to enable the cellular cultivation process, where the process is normally carried out. Singapore became the first nation to authorise the sale of substitute meat in 2020.

Chicken grown in cells:

Chicken that has been grown in a lab environment utilising isolated cells that contain the tools necessary for growth and replication is referred to as cell-cultivated chicken. To make the culture process easier, bioreactors, specialised containers made to accommodate a particular biological environment, are frequently utilised. When there are enough cells, they are processed—often with chemicals to improve texture and appearance—and made ready for eating.

What Importance Does Cell-Culture Technology Have for Meat Production?

Reduced Climate Impact:

A potential answer to lowering the greenhouse gas emissions linked to cattle agriculture is lab-grown meat. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates that methane and nitrous oxide, which are mostly produced by livestock agriculture, account for around 14.5% of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

Efficiency of Land Use

Comparatively to conventional methods, cell-cultivated meat production uses a lot less land. According to a report from 2021, lab-grown meat would require 63% less space for chicken and 72% less area for pork.

Pet welfare:

To reduce the necessity for animal slaughter, cell-cultivated meat is being developed. Cultivated meat offers the chance to lessen animal suffering and raise standards for animal welfare by creating meat directly from cells.

Food safety and dietary intake:

Meat produced in laboratories may help with future food security issues. Cell-cultivated meat can be modified to be healthier and adhere to particular nutritional needs, such as having less fat.

What Problems Arise With Cell-Cultivated Meat?

Customer approval:

Cell-cultivated alternatives still have a ways to go before they can compete in terms of taste, texture, look, and price with traditional meat. Consumer acceptance of these goods may be impacted by the perception of cultured meat as “artificial” or “unnatural”.


Because cell culturing is such a difficult and resource-intensive procedure, it is anticipated that the price of cell-cultivated beef would stay high. Scalability and quality assurance procedures could result in extra expenses.


Production is currently restricted to tiny volumes, and scaling up while preserving product quality and consistency is a difficult task. Finding appropriate cell culture media and creating efficient and affordable bioreactor systems are essential elements in reaching scalability.


To guarantee the quality of the final output, researchers need high-quality cells, suitable growth media, and other resources.

Concerns about environmental impact:

If highly refined growth mediums are necessary, some studies contend that the environmental effect of cell-cultivated meat production could be greater than that of conventional meat production.

Patent and intellectual property issues:

Considerations for Intellectual Property and Patents abound in the subject of Cultivated Meat. Companies and researchers are submitting patent applications for numerous methods and technology used in the cultivation of meat. The expansion and development of the sector will be impacted by the resolution of intellectual property conflicts and the maintenance of equitable access to technology.

Way ahead

Increase consumer acceptability and awareness by being open and honest about the advantages and security of lab-grown meat. Invest in R&D to enhance lab-grown meat’s production procedures, flavour, texture, and cost effectiveness. To cut costs and satisfy market demand, concentrate on technology improvements and optimise production facilities. To increase the market for lab-grown beef globally, promote international cooperation, harmonise regulations, and ease commerce. Being a relatively new industry, the establishment of a clear regulatory framework is crucial. To ensure product safety, quality, and consumer confidence, governments and regulatory organisations must decide how to categorise and regulate cultured beef products.

Origin: TH



In News, why?

Four people in three separate states have received fresh leases on life thanks to an Odisha man who was recently declared brain dead after suffering a severe head injury. While organ transplantation can restore a person’s life, it also raises moral questions about things like organ trafficking, human rights violations, and donor consent.

What is India’s Situation Regarding Organ Donation and Transplantation?

India performs the third-highest number of transplants globally in terms of donation and transplantation. For all transplants in 2022, organs from dead donors accounted for almost 17.8% of all procedures. From 837 transplantation of deceased organs in 2013 to 2,765 in 2022, the total number has increased. From 4,990 in 2013 to 15,561 in 2022, a total of organ transplants using organs from both deceased and living donors were performed.

What Rules Apply to Organ Donation in India?

The Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 in India sets up a number of rules regarding the removal and preservation of human organs. Additionally, it controls the transplantation of human organs for medical treatment and to stop the trade in human organs. The National Organ Transplantation Guidelines, published in February 2023 by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, permit recipients older than 65 to receive an organ for transplantation from a deceased donor. The age restriction for organ recipients has been repealed, along with the residence requirement and registration fees that some states, including Gujarat, Telangana, Maharashtra, and Kerala, had previously imposed.

What Moral Issues Surround Organ Donation and Transplantation?

Living Things:

Breaks the Medical Conventional Wisdom:

It is well known that kidney donors lead healthy lives. The first ancient precept of medicine, primum non nocere (above all, do no harm), is broken by research conducted in China and the European Union, which reveal that a third of these people are susceptible to chest and urinary infections. In order to help another person who is already a patient, one person enrols as a patient.

Donation is Predisposed to Human Trafficking

When unlawful and immoral activity is involved in the procurement, transportation, or transplantation of organs, organ donation is vulnerable to trafficking. The World Health Organisation (WHO) expressed worry over “the growth of commercial traffic in human organs, particularly from living donors who are unrelated to recipients” in its 1991 paper “Guiding Principles on Human Organ Transplantation.”

Psychological Coercion:

The motivation of the donor for organ donation is influenced by their relationship with the receiver. Living related donors are those who are genetically related to the receiver and frequently feel compelled to donate because of emotional and familial relationships. The possibility of coercion, emotional pressure, and excessive influence are ethical issues.

Death of a Person:

Autonomy and Consent:

Whether the person had given their consent or refused to donate their organs while they were still alive must be ascertained. Making decisions for someone else can present ethical difficulties if their wishes are unclear.

Allocation and Justice

An ongoing ethical issue is how to distribute organs in a fair and equitable manner. When there are differences in access to transplantation based on elements like wealth, social standing, or location, ethical issues may arise.

Trust in the Public and Transparency

Important factors to take into account include the ethical issues surrounding information disclosure, the management of organ donor registries, and the handling of organ procurement and transplantation processes.


The absence of harm to living donors, respect for autonomy, and equitable allocation make deceased organ transplantation often regarded as more ethically preferable, even if both living and deceased organ transplantation have their own ethical considerations.

What are the Organ Donation Guiding Principles of the WHO?

The following are a few of the eleven guiding principles:

First guiding principle

If the following conditions are met: All legal consent is obtained; and There is no reason to think that the deceased individual objected to the removal of cells, tissues, or organs for transplantation.

Second guiding principle

Doctors who determine that a possible donor has passed away shouldn’t be actively engaged in the operations used to remove cells, tissues, or organs from the donor or in the transplantation that follows. They also shouldn’t be in charge of the care of any individuals who will be receiving the cells, tissues, or organs in question.

Principle guiding no. 3:

While living adult donors should adhere to domestic laws, contributions from the deceased should maximise their therapeutic potential. Living donors should typically be related to their recipients genetically, legally, or emotionally.

Principle guiding no. 4:

Except for the few situations permitted by national law, no living adolescents’ organs should be removed for transplant. When at all feasible, acquire minors’ consent before donation and take special precautions to protect them. Legally incapable people (those unable to provide evidence or stand trial) must abide by the same rules.

Principle guiding no. 5:

Organ, tissue, and cell donation must be done voluntarily and without payment. It should be illegal to buy or sell these materials for transplantation. However, the donor may be reimbursed for reasonable and documented costs they incurred, including lost wages. Additionally, it is acceptable to pay for the expenditures associated with the procurement, preparation, preservation, and supply of human cells, tissues, or organs for transplantation.

Way ahead

Most of the world, according to surveys, is aware of the moral necessity of organ donation. But the assumption that organs will be distributed fairly to those in need also forms the basis of their generosity. To uphold moral standards, defend the rights of donors and recipients, stop organ trafficking, and preserve public confidence, regulations in organ transplant policy are essential. They offer a structure for an efficient, open, and morally upright system of organ allocation and donation.

Origin: IE



In News, why?

A forest guard was recently shot and killed by poachers in Odisha’s Simlipal tiger reserve, making it the second time in a short period of time that this has happened. In a protracted and unequal conflict with poachers, illegal miners, treecutters, mass encroachers, and insurgents, India’s frontline forest workers, which includes contract labourers, guards, foresters, and rangers, have been fighting.

The Forest Officers: Who are they?

For the management and governance of forests throughout India’s territory, the government employs forest officers as public servants. The Indian Forest Act, 1927, which governs forests as a concurrent list topic under the 7th Schedule, served as the foundation for the legislation that each Indian State has created to control the woods in their own jurisdictions. The following three main actions grant forest officers power:

The 1927 Indian Forest Act.

Act of 1972 to Protect Wild Life.

1980’s Forest Conservation Act.

Protecting rare and priceless resources including trees, sand, rocks, minerals, and forest land is the main duty of the forest crew. They consequently deal with an ongoing, persistent assault.

What Safety Concerns Are There for Foresters?

Forest guards may be armed under certain conditions; this is not usually the case. They might be armed in different ways depending on the state. Forest guards frequently face restrictions on carrying these firearms due to a lack of law and order, particularly in areas impacted by insurgency. Forest workers had stopped carrying guns in Simlipal, which is part of the red corridor between the Indravati and Valmiki tiger reserves in Chhattisgarh and Bihar, for the same reason.

Limited Authority for Proactive deploy of guns: Forest officers also lack the power to deploy their guns in a proactive manner. They are only permitted to exercise their right to private defence in accordance with Sections 96 to 106 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), just like any other citizen. This indicates that they can only defend themselves or other people from immediate injury or danger by using force, including firearms.

Weapons can be a concern even in situations where there are no insurgents present because there are specific difficulties (such potential mishaps or abuse of the weapon) and considerations that come into play while carrying and handling firearms.

Foresters frequently come upon conflicts between wildlife and human populations. This includes examples of animals raiding crops, wild animals attacking people, and human settlements encroaching on forest habitats.

Lack of Manpower: In India, forest establishments sometimes put administrative and time-consuming bureaucratic procedures ahead of the welfare and support of their front-line employees. This can be a concern because it leads to an overabundance of unfilled posts in forest departments around the nation. Because of this, there aren’t enough people on the ground to adequately safeguard the forests and secure their own safety.

Lack of Effective Defence: In India in 2021, 31 forest field staff workers died while performing their duties, according to the International Ranger Federation. Only 8 of these cases were determined to be homicides, with the remaining cases being explained by things like forest fires, elephant or rhino assaults, and automobile accidents. In several cases, the casualties happened not because the victims lacked firearms but because they were unable to shoot them.

Enhancing Forest Officer Legal Protection:

By implementing Section 197(2) of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) for all forest officers in July 2010, Assam made a big advancement. In accordance with this law, they were shielded from arrest and legal action unless a magistrate’s investigation found that the use of guns was “unnecessary, unwarranted, and excessive.” The state was required to consider and accept the investigation’s conclusions. In response to a number of tiger poaching incidents in 2012, Maharashtra too made a similar announcement.

Why aren’t foresters given greater access to resources?


Conservation of Forests, Wildlife, and Their Habitats: Foresters play a crucial role in preserving forests, wildlife, and their habitats. If firearms are used carelessly or without adequate rationale, excessive power may result in unintentional harm to ecosystems and wildlife.

Potential for Abuse: Having excessive authority could make foresters more likely to act improperly or improperly. To avoid the misuse of firearms and guarantee that foresters follow the law, it is crucial to maintain checks and balances.

Foresters’ primary responsibilities are conservation and environmental preservation rather than law enforcement, from the perspective of civil law enforcement. Giving them excessive authority over the use of weapons could make it difficult to distinguish between their tasks as conservationists and that of law enforcement organisations, which could cause misunderstanding and conflicts in their obligations.

Safety and Potential Risks: Arming foresters with weapons in remote rainforest regions may make the local inhabitants more vulnerable. In particular in places where tensions between foresters and local inhabitants already exist, the possession of firearms by foresters has the potential to aggravate disputes and have unexpected repercussions.

Way ahead

Professional Training: Frontline forest employees in India need thorough training to perform their tasks. They ought to leave this course with the abilities and know-how required to manage the challenges and dangers inherent in their line of work. To efficiently perform their jobs, foresters require sufficient infrastructure and resource support.

Fair and sufficient compensation as well as incentives should be given to forest employees in exchange for their efforts. Given the risks they run and the demanding nature of their work, it is essential to make sure they are fairly compensated for their efforts.

Strengthening the Legal Framework: It’s critical to have a solid legal system that protects foresters and gives them the freedom to carry out their responsibilities without unwarranted intervention or intimidation. However, the framework should be designed so that in addition to guaranteeing the safety of foresters, it also makes sure that officials are not abusing their authority and using excessive force against forest communities.

Origin: IE





By launching the Mushroom Mission in 2021, joining the “one district, one product” initiative, and including mushrooms into the noon meal programme, significant progress has been made in the Kokrajhar district of Assam. The number of underweight, wasting, and anaemic youngsters has decreased by 56%, 55%, and 76%, respectively, thanks to the addition of nutrient-rich mushrooms in kids’ meals. Additionally, the district’s baby and maternal death rates were reduced by 30.56% and 72.37%, respectively. Mushrooms are very nutrient-dense and have a number of health advantages. They are a great option for weight management because they are low in calories and fat. B vitamins, copper, selenium, and potassium are just a few of the vitamins and minerals that can be found in abundance in mushrooms. They also offer nutritional fibre and antioxidants, which promote immune system strength and digestive health. Mushrooms are moreover one of the few non-animal sources of vitamin D, which is crucial for strong bones.



Recently, the Over-the-Top (OTT) platform ULLU was penalised by the Digital Publisher Content Grievances Council (DPCGC), a self-regulatory group for Indian online curator content providers (OCCPs), for broadcasting pornographic and explicit content. The council, which is led by retired Supreme Court Justice A K Sikri, issued an order requesting the removal of such content within 15 days, citing contraventions of the Information Technology Rules (2021) and complaints made by an incensed viewer. DPCGC responds to complaints from customers and concerns about material. It is governed by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and upholds the laws and government regulations, including the Code of Ethics. An OCCP Council and a Grievance Redressal Board make up the DPCGC.



The widely held notion that plants display the long-standing and regular Fibonacci spiral patterns has been called into question by a recent study. Spirals can be seen in a variety of plant sections, including the leaves and reproductive organs. However, scientists who studied fossilised plants that date back 407 million years found that this specific species’ spirals did not follow the Fibonacci sequence. Each number in the Fibonacci sequence is formed by adding the two numbers before it. Each number in the series after 0 and 1 is obtained by adding the two numbers that came before it. The order starts with 0 and goes on to include 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and so forth. According to the current research, non-Fibonacci spirals were more common in early plants’ spiral arrangement patterns. It suggests that, in contrast to other extant plant species like ferns and flowering plants, the evolution of leaf arrangement and Fibonacci spirals had a unique history in some plant groups, such as clubmosses. This study offers up new areas for investigation and could help solve the puzzle of why certain patterns are so common in nature.



Following the terrible results of the Chandrayaan-2 mission, in which the lander named Vikram crashed during its attempted soft landing on the lunar surface, ISRO has revealed its decision to adopt the same names for the lander and rover of the next Chandrayaan-3 mission. In homage of Vikram Sarabhai, a significant pioneer in India’s space programme, Chandrayaan-3’s lander will be nicknamed “Vikram,” and the mission’s rover will be called “Pragyan.” The mission will use several payloads on the lander, rover, and propulsion module to conduct experiments and gather data. The launch is planned for mid-July 2023.