GS Paper-II

Context: As the Supreme Court’s investigation into religious freedom is still open, the push for a uniform civil code is causing worries regarding religious rights and personal laws.

Describe UCC?

Having a uniform set of civil laws for all citizens of a nation, regardless of their religious or cultural connections, is referred to as having a uniform civil code.

The guiding idea of UCC is:

The idea of a UCC is based on the concepts of equality and uniformity before the law and seeks to displace the existing personal laws based on religious doctrines that control issues like marriage, divorce, inheritance, adoption, and succession.

UCC from a historical perspective

Because local groups recognised personal rules based on religious practises and traditions, there was a lack of uniformity under British administration. In reaction to this fragmentation and in an effort to foster a shared civil identity, the concept of a UCC arose.

  • Portuguese rule: A uniform civil code based on the Portuguese Napoleonic code was put into place under Goa’s Portuguese rule, which lasted until 1961.
  • The UCC was a crucial component of nation-building in Jawaharlal Nehru’s vision of a modern, progressive India. He thought that a UCC would promote equality among citizens and help to end religious-based divisions.
  • Hindu Code Bill: With the Hindu Code Bill, Hindu personal rules governing marriage, divorce, adoption, and inheritance were intended to be codified and modernised. As it sought to bring about uniformity in personal rules across the Hindu community, it was considered as a step towards a UCC.
  • Shah Bano Case: Discussions on the need for a UCC to promote gender equity and equal rights for women across religious communities were triggered by the Supreme Court’s decision in this case.

Constitutional Viewpoints on the UCC

  • Deliberations in the Constituent Assembly: Diverse opinions were presented during these discussions, with some members arguing for a UCC to advance gender equality and secularism while others voiced concerns about protecting religious and cultural liberties.
  • Directive Principles of State Policy: According to Article 44 of the Indian Constitution, the government must work to ensure that its citizens have access to a consistent civil code across the whole nation.
  • Secularism: The separation of religion and the state is required by the secularism principle, which is enshrined in the Indian Constitution. A UCC is viewed as a means of advancing secularism by guaranteeing equality for all citizens, regardless of their religious affiliations.
  • Equality and Non-Discrimination: Article 14 of the Indian Constitution ensures equality before the law and forbids discrimination on the basis of race, caste, gender, or place of birth. By guaranteeing equal rights and treatment for all citizens, regardless of their religious backgrounds, UCC would safeguard these principles.
  • Gender Justice: The Constitution also protects individuals’ rights to equality and freedom from gender-based discrimination. A UCC is thought to advance gender fairness.

What separate groups are governed by personal laws?

Muslims, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, Parsis, and Jews are governed by their own personal laws.
Goa has UCC, which retained its common family law known as the Goa Civil Code after it was liberated from Portuguese rule in 1961. The rest of India follows different personal laws based on their religious or community identity.
All Hindus Reformed Hindu Personal Law Applies to Hindus after the enactment of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Renounced Hindus still under Hindu Law
Hindu Personal Law in Special Marriage Act Hindus married under the Special Marriage Act, 1954 are still governed by Hindu Personal Law.
Muslims Muslim Personal Law Muslims married under the Special Marriage Act, 1954 are no longer governed by Muslim Personal Law.


                                  Arguments Favouring UCC

        Benefits of UCC                              Explanation
National Integration and Secularism UCC would create a common identity among citizens, fostering national integration. It promotes secularism by treating all religions equally and reducing communal conflicts.
Gender Justice and Equality UCC ensures gender justice by removing discriminatory laws and granting equal rights to women in marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. It empowers women and upholds their fundamental rights.
Simplification and Rationalisation of Legal System UCC simplifies the legal system by eliminating the complexities and contradictions of multiple laws. It harmonizes civil and criminal laws and enhances accessibility for the common people.
Modernisation and Reform of Outdated Practices UCC modernizes and reforms outdated practices, aligning personal laws with human rights and constitutional values. It abolishes practices like triple talaq and child marriage.


                                                    Objections to UCC

          Challenges                                       Explanation
Diverse Personal Laws and Customary Practices Harmonizing India’s diverse laws and practices to establish uniformity is complex, especially when many laws are undocumented or contradictory.
Resistance from Religious and Minority Groups Some religious and minority groups argue that it could impose majority views and undermine their constitutional rights, particularly under Article 25 guaranteeing freedom of religion.
Lack of Political Will and Consensus Concerns exist regarding potential communal tensions and conflicts arising from its implementation.
Practical Difficulties and Complexities Implementing UCC would involve substantial efforts such as drafting, codifying, harmonizing, and rationalizing personal laws and practices.


Legal Commission Opinions

The “issue of uniform civil code is vast, and its potential repercussions, untested in India,” according to the 21st Law Commission of India. The statement “UCC is neither necessary nor desirable at this stage” was made.

  • The government requested that the 22nd Law Commission of India look into a number of UCC-related concerns.

Cases Connected to SC

Landmark Cases Ruling and Implications
Shah Bano Case (1985) The Supreme Court upheld the right of a Muslim woman to claim maintenance from her husband even after the Iddat period.
It highlighted the need for a UCC to remove contradictions based on ideologies.
Sarla Mudgal (1995) The Supreme Court stated that a Hindu husband cannot convert to Islam and marry without dissolving his first marriage.
It emphasized that a UCC would prevent fraudulent conversions and bigamous marriages.
Shayara Bano case (2017) The Supreme Court declared triple talaq as unconstitutional and violative of Muslim women’s dignity and equality.
It recommended that Parliament enact a law to regulate Muslim marriages and divorces.



In order to create a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India, a fair strategy that honours diversity and multiculturalism is necessary. To ensure that many viewpoints are taken into account, inclusive interactions with stakeholders, including religious leaders and legal experts, are crucial. While avoiding reactive culturalism, the emphasis should be on eradicating practises that impede equality and gender justice. The Muslim clergy should be in charge of reforming Muslim personal law, and Muslims should evaluate policies that advance fairness and equality. The goal is to create a UCC that promotes constitutional ideals and is inclusive and just.

UCC-Related Quotations

  • “The implementation of a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) will promote India’s integration by establishing a shared platform for diverse communities”
  • “The Uniform Civil Code may potentially enforce a code that is influenced by Hindu practises in all communities”
  • “It is crucial to make sure that during this endeavour, certain groups or marginalised segments of society are not subjected to adverse treatment.”



Q1.Constitutional Morality is based on the fundamental principles of the Constitution itself. With the aid of pertinent legal decisions, describe the doctrine of “Constitutional Morality.” (UPSC 2021)

Q2. Consider the following clauses in the Indian Constitution’s Directive Principles of State Policy: (UPSC 2012)

  1. establishing a common civil code for Indian citizens
  2. establishing community Panchayats
  3. encouraging small businesses in rural areas
  4. ensuring sufficient recreational and cultural activities for all employees

Which of the aforementioned statements best describes the Gandhian principles that the Directive Principles of State Policy reflect?

(a) Only 1, 2, and 4

(b) Only 2 and 3

(c) Only 1, 3, and 4

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans: B

Origin: TH



GS Paper-II

Context: The One Health Priority Research Agenda on Antimicrobial Resistance was published by the Quadripartite, which consists of the FAO, UNEP, WHO, and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).

According to the agenda, “One Health” refers to the recognition that people, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the environment as a whole, including ecosystems, are all interdependent and related in some way.

‘One Health’ and AMR are related:

  • At this point in the One Health interface, combating AMR requires a multisectoral, interdisciplinary approach.
  • Using a mixed-methods approach, international experts identified three overarching themes and five key pillars, as follows:

5 Main Pillars:

  • Transmission: This pillar is concerned with the areas of the environment, plants, animals, and people where AMR is transmitted, circulated, and spread.
  • Integrated surveillance: To enhance shared technical understanding and information sharing among One Health stakeholders, this pillar attempts to identify cross-cutting priority research problems.
  • Interventions: The focus of this pillar is on policies, procedures, methods, and initiatives designed to prevent, control, or lessen the occurrence, prevalence, and spread of AMR.
  • Behavioural insights and change: This area of study is concerned with how human behaviour affects AMR and possible solutions.
  • Economics and policy: This pillar considers the financial viability, long-term financial impact, and cost-effectiveness of an AMR investment case.

Goal of the agenda for priority research:

  • To more effectively promote more funding and research into antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
  • To assist various stakeholders in developing fresh evidence to combat AMR, with an emphasis on low- and middle-income (LMIC) nations.
  • The agenda also highlights how crucial it is for LMICs to build their research capacities because this will be necessary for filling knowledge gaps and creating evidence.

The Importance of The Agenda

  • It will act as a manual for nations, academic institutions, and financial organisations supporting One Health AMR research.
  • It will also enable cross-sector collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and the diverse scientific community.

Similar initiatives have also been made by the WHO, which prioritised 40 research themes for the creation of knowledge that will guide policy and interventions by 2030.

Future: The priority research agenda calls for contextualization at the regional and national levels as well as the creation of specialised research pertinent to the requirements of various nations and One Health environments.

The threat posed by AMR will be addressed through the implementation of this research agenda, which will also help the national action plan (NAP) implementation and the accomplishment of the SDGs for 2030.

Origin: DTE



GS Paper-III

The US is considering using controversial solar geoengineering to combat global warming.

Solar geoengineering: What is it?

Solar geoengineering, also known as solar radiation management (SRM), is the term used to describe a number of ideas put up to reflect sunlight (back to space) in order to quickly chill the Earth.

  • There are two main strategies that experts are thinking about for solar geoengineering.

Several SRM Techniques:

  • Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI): This technique cools the earth by injecting microscopic reflective aerosol particles into the high atmosphere.
  • Marine cloud brightening (MCB): This process would employ sea salt to encourage the production of clouds over the ocean, which would also aid in the region’s ability to reflect sunlight.

What justifies consideration of solar geoengineering?

  • The Paris Agreement’s goal calls for keeping the increase in global temperature well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pushing efforts to keep it below 1.5°C.
  • To achieve this, countries must end net global CO2 emissions by the middle of the century.
  • Despite these lofty objectives, solar geoengineering is being taken into consideration as a contingency plan in case collective efforts fail.

The US strategy:

  • According to the White House, actions like injecting MCB and aerosols could be taken by public or private entities in order to reflect more sunlight into space.
  • It asked for study as part of its climate policy, in addition to mitigation and adaptation, to enable better-informed decisions regarding the potential risks and advantages of the tool.
  • This comes amid worries expressed by scientists about the high environmental, social, and geopolitical dangers associated with SRM, including changes in precipitation patterns, ozone levels, sea-level rise, ocean acidification, etc.

Risks of solar geoengineering:

  • Moral hazard: The risk is that technology may be used as a justification for stalling emissions cuts and the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • Little is known about its effects: Computer-based modelling and natural observations (volcanic eruptions) have been primarily used in research to examine the hazards and prospects of solar geoengineering.

Considering solar geoengineering as a climate response necessitates – because of its global consequences.

  • Effective international oversight/governance mechanisms.
  • Governments should be the only ones to sponsor tests conducted outdoors.
  • Methods for involving the general public in decision-making.


  • Atmospheric experiments to evaluate these technologies merit prompt public scrutiny and discussion given the potential ethical and environmental hazards these activities can pose.
  • While academics examine the possible viability and efficacy of geoengineering techniques, mitigation and adaptation must continue to be our top priorities.



Solar geoengineering: What is it? Talk about the advantages and drawbacks of this technology.

Origin: DTE



In the javelin throw, he is the current Olympic champion, the silver medalist from the World Championships, and the Diamond League champion. He is the first athlete from Asia to win the men’s javelin throw gold medal at the Olympics. He is the first track and field athlete from India to win an Olympic gold medal.

As a result of his most recent victory in Lausanne, he has risen to the top of the Diamond League ranking and is now in good position to earn a spot in the 2023 Finals.

He upholds the virtues of humility and sincerity, though, and continues to be grounded and true to himself. Neeraj has a modest self-belief that has helped him through both wins and failures since his early days as a young athlete.

Additionally, Neeraj has made use of his platform to encourage and uplift other sportsmen, stressing the significance of honouring and showcasing their accomplishments.

Neeraj has demonstrated honesty and compassion off the pitch in addition to his physical prowess. He has been outspoken in defending his fellow athletes and bringing up important concerns in the athletic world.

He has served as an example for ambitious athletes, motivating them to pursue personal development goals and become better people in addition to excelling in their chosen sports.

Use this example to demonstrate different values in an essay or ethical argument.

Origin: TH



This year, Hachiko, the most devoted dog in the world, celebrates 100. Hachiko was purchased as a puppy by agricultural scientist Hidesaburo Ueno. She was born in Odate, Japan, in November 1923. The reason for Hachiko’s enduring legacy is his steadfast devotion to his master. Hachiko would travel with Ueno to the railway station from Shibuya Station and wait for his arrival. Sadly, Ueno passed away unexpectedly in 1925, but Hachiko persisted in waiting at the station each day in the hopes of reuniting with his cherished master.

Hundreds of people attended Hachiko’s burial after his death in 1935 at the age of 11, and statues were built in his memory.

Usage: Hachiko’s tale has been used to inspire books, films, and lessons to kids on the importance of loyalty and commitment. The illustration might be utilised in an essay or ethical paper.

Origin: IE






The Indian hill town of Lansdowne in Uttarakhand will now be known as Jaswantgarh in commemoration of Rifleman Jaswant Singh Rawat, who won the Maha Vir Chakra and was a hero of the 1962 war with China.

Regarding Lord Lansdowne (India’s Viceroy from 1888 to 1894):

Title   Lord Lansdowne
Background Lord Lansdowne arrived on the subcontinent when revenue was dwindling for the British, a constrained scheme for political reform, and unsettled relations with the amir of Afghanistan and the peoples of the northwestern frontier.
Indian National Congress Lord Lansdowne legitimized the work of the Indian National Congress, recognizing the rise of Indian nationalism as an inevitable byproduct of the British administration.
Indian Factory Act, 1891 The Indian Factory Act, 1891 was passed when Lord Lansdowne was the Viceroy of India.


Categorizing of Civil Services


On Aitchison Commission recommendations (1889), Statutory Civil Service was abolished. The government’s civilian officers were divided into three classes: Imperial Indian Civil Service, Provincial Civil Service, and Subordinate Civil Service.
Age of Consent Act, 1891


The Age of Consent Act, 1891, was enacted in British India in 1891, raising the age of consent for sexual intercourse for all girls, married or unmarried, from ten to twelve years in all jurisdictions, with violations punishable as rape.
Indian Councils Act Lord Lansdowne introduced the Indian Councils Act of 1892, which established additional members in the central and provincial legislative councils and introduced an indirect election system for council members. It was a step toward a representative government in India.
Setting up Durand Commission (1893) Durand Line agreement was signed to secure the north-west and Afghanistan
Opium Commission In 1893, a royal commission was issued to inquire into the results of using opium in India, and the possibility of prohibiting it. The commission’s findings favoured the continued use of opium and led to the shelving of the idea of imposing a ban.

Origin: IE



The Bharat 6G Alliance (B6GA) was established as a platform for collaboration between public and commercial businesses, academic institutions, research organisations, and organisations that set standards.

  • The alliance intends to promote global cooperation, create alliances with international 6G alliances, and direct the development and introduction of 6G technologies in India.

Goals of the B6GA:

  • To help India develop into a major international supplier of intellectual property, goods, and solutions for accessible 5G, 6G, and other next telecom technologies.
  • To implement 6G technologies by 2030 so that India can use them as a potent force multiplier.
  • To comprehend 6G’s sociological and corporate needs in addition to its technical requirements.
  • To create suggestions for improving India’s readiness for the implementation of the Bharat 6G Vision.

Introduced Further Initiatives

For two projects funded by the Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF), agreements were signed. In 2022, the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) introduced the TTDF programme.

USOF is a department of DoT. In order to create synergies between university, start-ups, and industry in order to construct a telecom ecosystem, 5% of USOF’s annual collections are available for the TTDF. These funds are used to fund R&D in applications of communication technology that are specialised to rural areas.

Origin: PIB



Context: For a historic combined ocean voyage, scientists from Bangladesh, Mauritius, and India have teamed together.

  • To better understand and control changes in the marine environment and oceanic factors, the expedition will conduct study on ocean data.
  • The expedition, which was developed by the CSC Oceanographers and Hydrographers, is being led by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS).

The trip is being supported by the research vessel “Sagar Nidhi,” which is run by the National Institute of Ocean Technology.

  • The multifunctional Sagar Nidhi is outfitted with cutting-edge technology to undertake geoscientific, meteorological, and oceanic research.
  • It has been to Antarctic waters before and is capable of navigating in blue-water conditions.

Author: TOI



The government has made measures to help union territories and border states establish facilities for the rehabilitation of trafficking victims, especially children and minors.

Ministry: To create shelters that will provide protection, rehabilitation, and support services to victims of trafficking, these regions will receive financial assistance from the Women and Child Development Ministry.

Provisions: These residences will offer necessities like housing, food, clothing, counselling, and basic medical services.

Human trafficking: What is it?

Human trafficking is the term used to describe the illicit trade and exploitation of people for a variety of reasons, including forced labour, sexual exploitation, and organ trafficking. It entails the recruitment, transportation, harbouring, or receiving of individuals for the goal of exploitation under the use of coercion, fraud, or abduction.

Status of India:

India serves as both a source and a destination for human trafficking, with Nepal, Bangladesh, and Myanmar serving as the primary sources.

Status in the Constitution:

Human trafficking and begar (forced labour without payment) are both prohibited by Article 23.

  • Article 24 restricts the employment of kids younger than 14 in hazardous industries like mines and factories.


  • The Ministry of Women and Child Development has been contributing money through the Nirbhaya Fund to create Anti Human Trafficking Units (AHTU) all over the nation, including in border patrol agencies like the BSF and SSB.

o There are currently 788 operational AHTUs, including 30 in border guarding units.

  • Sponsorship as part of the Mission Vatsalya Scheme, which prioritises the welfare and protection of children.
  • The Ministry of Home Affairs’ Nodal Cell Against Trafficking

Origin: TH



Despite objections from environmentalists, Kenyan President William Ruto lifted a six-year ban on logging. Ruto stated that it was wasteful to allow mature trees to rot in forests while there was a dearth of timber for local enterprises.

East African nation of Kenya has a coastline that faces the Indian Ocean. It includes the Great Rift Valley, the Lakelands, the Savannah, and the mountainous highlands. Additionally, animals like lions, elephants, and rhinos call it home. Safaris departing from Nairobi, the nation’s capital, travel to the Maasai Mara Reserve, famous for its yearly migration of wildebeests, and Amboseli National Park, which offers views of Tanzania’s 5,895-meter Mount Kilimanjaro.

Origin: TH