2.GS Paper

Context: The Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Bill was approved by the Union Cabinet.


  • The Centre has made a second attempt to write data protection laws with the agreement of the Union Cabinet.
  • The Monsoon Session of Parliament, which starts on July 20, is when the Bill is anticipated to be introduced.
  • The Bill, once it is passed into law, will be a key factor in India’s trade negotiations with other countries, particularly with the EU, whose General Data Protection Rules (GDPR) are among the most comprehensive privacy regulations in the world.

The bill for protecting digital personal data:

  • If done for the purpose of providing goods or services or creating individual profiles, it will apply to the processing of digital personal data both inside and outside of India.
  • It mandates that organisations that gather personal data and data fiduciaries keep data accurate, safe, and deleted once their intended use has been achieved.
  • It is anticipated to permit “voluntary undertaking,” which means that firms that break its regulations may bring it before the data protection board, an arbiter of conflicts involving privacy issues.

o The board may decide to accept settlement funds in order to end legal action against the organisation.

o If the same act is repeated, harsher financial penalties may be levied.

  • The maximum fine that can be imposed for failing to stop a data breach has been set at Rs 250 crore per incident.

What modifications to the initial draught (which was planned in November 2022) are likely?

  • Transferring personal data of Indian people from a “whitelisting” approach to a “blacklisting” process for cross-border data transfers to foreign authorities.
  • While permitting government departments to assume consent when processing personal data on the basis of national security and public interest, a clause on “deemed consent” might be tightened for private companies.

What purpose does privacy law serve?

  • Implementing a strong data protection architecture is crucial given the country’s extraordinary growth of its digital economy.
  • The Digital India Bill, the proposed Indian Telecommunications Bill 2022, and a policy for non-personal data governance are all part of a larger framework of technology legislation that also includes the Bill.

What worries exist regarding the draught Bill?

  • Maintained most of the original version’s material.
  • The previous draft’s broad exemptions for the federal government and its agencies received the most criticism for these clauses.
  • The central government may waive any requirement that “any instrumentality of the state” abide by the rules in the interests of maintaining public order, maintaining relations with foreign governments, or other factors.
  • The central government’s authority over the selection of the Data Protection Board members and the terms and conditions of their employment.
  • The term “per instance” is subjective and subject to individual case-by-case interpretation by the data protection board.
  • The law might weaken the Right to Information (RTI) Act because it probably protects the personal information of government employees.

contrasting India’s proposal with that of other nations

  • The UNCTAD reports that 137 out of 194 nations have legislation in place to ensure the protection of data and privacy.
  • The adoption rates for Africa and Asia are 61% (33 out of 54 nations) and 57% (34 out of 60 countries), respectively.
  • Only 22 out of 46 of the least developed nations (LDCs) have data protection and privacy legislation.

The majority of laws written around the world still use the EU model, despite criticism that it is overly strict and places many requirements on companies that collect data.

According to the US model of privacy protection, “liberty protection” is primarily concerned with shielding a person’s private life from the government.

The Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), a Chinese model, aims to stop the exploitation of personal data by granting new rights to Chinese data principals.

Business data must be classified according to priority levels under the Data Security Law (DSL), which also imposes new limitations on cross-border transfers.


The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill must make sure that personal information about people is gathered and used in a way that complies with their right to privacy as guaranteed by Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. Comment.

Origin: IE



51 robots, including nine humanoid robots, were unveiled by the UN during the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva. By 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations were to be more quickly attained thanks to the summit.

These robots have features in line with the SDGs, like healthcare robots that could recognise emotions and show empathy, for example.

  • Grace, a cutting-edge nursing robot created by Hanson Robotics
  • SingularityNET helps old people

Origin: DTE



The “Bharat Internet Utsav” was introduced by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) to recognise the Internet’s potential.

By encouraging people to share their personal accounts of how the internet has enhanced their lives, it hopes to draw attention to the internet’s revolutionary potential. It acknowledges the internet as a crucial tool for communication, information exchange, and socioeconomic growth.

Origin: PIB



On the occasion of the Dalai Lama’s 88th birthday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed his support for the Tibetan spiritual leader.

He also restated the United States’ commitment to defending Tibetans’ right to freely choose and revere their religious leaders and to preserve their unique linguistic, cultural, and religious identity.

Life Advice from the Dalai Lama

Example from Real Life

Even though the Chinese government has subjected him to extreme repression and violence, the Dalai Lama has consistently advocated non-violence and compassion for those who have wronged him.

He himself is a voracious reader and has even created educational institutes in India to provide modern and traditional education to Tibetan refugees. Education and information are effective tools for both individual growth and society advancement.

A good life requires strong connections and relationships, and he has cultivated them with people from all corners of the globe.

Embracing change The Dalai Lama has experienced many difficulties and changes throughout his life, including being compelled to live in exile, losing his nation and people, and continually being in danger. He has, though, consistently stayed upbeat and adaptable, welcoming change and seeking out chances to advance.

Developing self-awareness and mindfulness The Dalai Lama is of the opinion that developing these qualities can assist us in recognising and overcoming unpleasant emotions like rage, fear, and anxiety.

Origin: TH



Context: On July 14, 2023, the Indian Navy Marching Contingent will take part in the Bastille Day Parade in Paris, France.

The Indo-French strategic alliance, which marks its 25th anniversary this year, involves cooperation in shipbuilding and spans the maritime industry.

  • Partnerships: Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited and Naval Group, France are building Scorpene class submarines.
  • Varuna, a naval exercise that was started in 1993

Relating to Indian Navy:

One of the biggest navies in the world, the Indian Navy is furnished with a wide selection of vessels, submarines, and aircraft. The Rig Vedic phrase that serves as their motto, “Sam No Varunah,” which translates to “May the Lord of the Oceans be auspicious unto us,” embodies their dedication to excellence. It can take pride in having its own nuclear submarines, frigates, destroyers, and aircraft carriers.

Origin: PIB



The capital city of Iceland, Reykjavik, has experienced around 2,200 earthquakes in the last 24 hours.

The nation’s meteorology agency has issued a warning that this seismic activity may be a precursor to a forthcoming volcanic eruption.

Due to its location over a hot point and on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a divergent tectonic plate boundary, Iceland frequently suffers volcanic activity. Eldgjá, which caused the biggest lava eruption in recorded human history, is one of the over thirty volcanoes that are known to have erupted during the Holocene epoch.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a divergent or constructive plate boundary that runs along the Atlantic Ocean’s floor, is a section of the world’s longest mountain range. North and south of the Azores Triple Junction, a ridge in the North Atlantic divides the North American Plate from the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate.

Origin: Hindustan Times



Context: Regarding the Kishenganga and Ratle hydropower projects in Kashmir, India has asserted that it cannot be coerced into taking part in “illegal” proceedings at the Permanent Court of Arbitration.

  • The court determined that it has the power to take the disagreement between India and Pakistan into consideration. India has maintained that it won’t participate in the procedures started by Pakistan because the Indus Waters Treaty already requires a neutral expert to evaluate the matter.

Regarding the Indus Water Treaty:

The 1960 pact, which was mediated by the World Bank, addresses issues involving international rivers. India thinks that Pakistan’s parallel initiatives violate the terms of the treaty. India has been taking part in the neutral expert proceedings and negotiating a treaty modification with Pakistan.

Concerning the Permanent Court of Arbitration:

  • It was founded in 1899. To settle disagreements between states, a global intergovernmental institution has been created.
  • The Administrative Council, which is in charge of the PCA’s policies and finances, the Members of the Court, a group of prospective arbitrators who are all independent, and the International Bureau, which is run by the Secretary-General, make up the PCA’s organisational structure.
  • It contains a Financial Assistance Fund that aims to help developing countries cover some of the costs of PCA-approved dispute resolution mechanisms, such as international arbitration.

Origin: TH



Context: The destruction of the United States’ disclosed chemical weapons stockpile—rockets loaded with GB nerve agent—marks an important turning point in combat history going back to World War I.

The due date is:

In accordance with the International Chemical Weapons Convention, which went into effect in 1997 and to which 193 nations have acceded, the United States had until September 30 to destroy all of its remaining chemical weapons.


  • The destruction of the stockpile is viewed as a turning point for international efforts to reduce the number of weapons in the world and provides a model for other nations to follow.
  • This accomplishment satisfies the US’s obligation under the Chemical Weapons Convention and makes it clear that using such weapons in combat is no longer acceptable.

Concerning the Convention:

A multinational agreement known as the Chemical Weapons Convention forbids the use of chemical weapons and mandates their disposal within a certain period of time. It mandates the destruction of outdated and unused chemical weapons.

India ratified the agreement in 1993.

The Convention led to the establishment (in 1997) of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). It carries out and upholds the CWC’s provisions. It gives the UN reports. In 2013, it received the Nobel Peace Prize.

India adopted the Chemical Weapons Convention Act in 2000 to put the CWC into effect.

It called for the creation of the National Authority for Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC), which was established in 2005 and serves as the primary point of contact between the Indian government and the OPCW.

Regarding the GB nerve agent

One of the most toxic known chemical warfare agents is sarin (military code name GB), a nerve agent (chemicals that attack the neurological system). It typically has no taste or smell. Sarin exposure can quickly result in death. Other types of nerve agents are mustard agent, VX, tabun (GA), soman (GD), and

Concerning chemical weapons:

World War I saw the introduction of chemical weapons, which are thought to have killed at least 100,000 people. Even after the Geneva Convention forbade their use, nations kept the weapons in storage until the convention required their destruction. Aside from US stocks, other treaty signatories—in particular, Russia and Syria—continue to hold secret chemical weapons stockpiles.

Origin: TH



Context: The World Investment Report 2023 was recently published by UNCTAD.

World Investment Report information

  • The World Investment Report focuses on global, regional, and national trends in foreign direct investment (FDI), as well as new initiatives to increase this type of investment’s contribution to development.
  • It also offers an overview of international value chains and the workings of multinational corporations, paying particular emphasis to the consequences for development.

Primary Findings:

  • With increases of 10% and 5%, respectively, India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) were the biggest receivers. Over 50% of all FDI worldwide was sourced from Asia.
  • The majority of FDI flows into the region—nearly 80%—come from a small number of very large rising economies, including India, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United Arab Emirates.
  • With a 10% rise in FDI, India is now the second-largest host nation for international project finance deals and the third-largest country for greenfield project announcements.

Singapore received the most foreign direct investment (FDI) in Southeast Asia.

  • The research draws attention to the growing investment gap in developing nations as they work to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in infrastructure for electricity, water, and transportation.

In order to provide sustainable energy for all, the World Investment Report 2023 advocates for a compact detailing prioritised activities, including funding structures and investment strategies. In addition, the report analyses FDI patterns and offers rankings of multinational businesses, policy suggestions, and national-level statistical information.

Origin: ET



An epidemic of the “sheep and goat plague,” a highly contagious illness, has killed over 60 sheep and goats and sickened over 200 others in the Hadsar pasture near Tindi in Lahaul-Spiti.

PPR is a highly contagious viral disease that affects camels, goats, sheep, and certain wild cousins of domesticated small ruminants. It is brought on by a morbillivirus that is closely related to the rinderpest virus. It is distinguished by high rates of morbidity and mortality. Humans are not affected by the virus.

Origin: HT



Context: Recently, Earth was struck by a “X-class” solar flare that was extremely intense and released a burst of X-ray and ultraviolet radiation.

  • The ionisation of the high atmosphere caused by the flare led to a radio blackout for nearly an hour in regions of southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • This occurrence comes after a string of powerful solar outbursts and coronal holes that even caused the Northern Lights to show as far south as Arizona.
  • The Sun has already produced three “M-class” moderate flares in the previous day, and more M-class flares are expected in the days to come, with a slender probability of an additional X-class flare.

Origin: Science Alert



Context: LIGO-India, a brand-new gravitational-wave observatory, is expected to make India a research powerhouse and advance our knowledge of the cosmos.

  • There are currently two LIGO installations in the US, and a third one will be constructed in the Indian state of Maharashtra’s Hingoli area. The building of the facility is anticipated to be finished in 2030.

A physics experiment called LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) is made to look for gravitational waves, which are ripples in spacetime brought on by big objects moving quickly.

Gravitational waves: What are they?

Gravitational waves are ripples that move at the speed of light through the space and time continuum. When large objects like neutron stars or black holes orbit or collide with one another, gravitational waves are produced as a result.

The general theory of relativity postulates that any object with mass warps the space-time around it. Space-time ripples or waves are created when two enormous objects orbit or collide, and these waves travel at the speed of light.

Gravitational waves are incredibly faint and challenging to spot. One hundred years after Einstein’s theory predicted them, they were finally directly discovered in 2015 by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).

Origin: TH



The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made tremendous progress towards realising its aspirations of being a world leader in space exploration.

Key objectives and successes:

  • To improve its position in the space industry and diversify its economy, the UAE established a National Space Fund with a budget of AED 3 billion (about 6,600 crores).
  • New initiatives include the Emirates Mars Mission, which intends to learn more about the environment and atmosphere of Mars.
  • Preparing to launch UAE’s Moon Mission, Rashid Rover
  • The Arab Space Pioneers programme, which educates future space technology leaders.
  • Astronauts were dispatched to the International Space Station
  • It carried out satellite launches for urban planning and distant sensing.

UAE’s long-term objectives include exploring the asteroid belt and establishing a human settlement on Mars by 2117.

Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and Saudi Arabia are additional Gulf nations who have made investments in their space programmes; Saudi Arabia even sent the first female Arab astronaut to space.

UAE and India Space Cooperation

In order to promote collaboration in the exploration and peaceful use of space, ISRO and UAE Space Agency (UAESA) signed an MoU in 2016. Nayif-1, the first nanosatellite launched by PSLV from Siriharikota for the UAE to gather data on the environment in space.

Origin: TH



The eighth IN-USN Salvage and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) exercise, known as SALVEX, recently brought together the Indian Navy and the US Navy.

  • The teams shared their knowledge and expertise about maritime salvage over the course of the ten-day exercise. They concentrated on a number of fields, such as salvage, wreck discovery, and mine detection and neutralisation.

Through collaborative training, the participants strengthened their operational skills and formed enduring relationships, encouraging interoperability and adopting the finest practises from one another’s nautical traditions.

  • SALVEX 2023 is viewed as a critical turning point in naval cooperation, demonstrating the US and Indian Navies’ commitment to excellence in EOD operations and salvage operations.

Origin: Financial Express



The Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority recently came under fire from NGT for disregarding environmental regulations when building on Khazan land in Cavelossim.

Goa’s Khazans are coastal wetlands. They were converted to many profitable uses, including agriculture, aquaculture, and salt panning, after being extricated from mangrove forests (during the pre-Christian Era). They are salty, low-lying, waterlogged regions.

Origin: TOI



The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) will open its first campus outside of India in Zanzibar, Tanzania. This action intends to strengthen educational collaboration between the two countries and is consistent with India’s National Education Policy 2020.

Off the coast of East Africa, the Tanzanian archipelago of Zanzibar can be found. It is Stone Town, a historically important commercial hub with Islamic and Swahili influences.

East African nation of Tanzania is well-known for its huge wilderness areas. The “big five” animals—elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, and rhino—live in the plains of Serengeti National Park, and Africa’s highest mountain, Kilimanjaro, is located there.

Origin: HT