In News, why?

During the Indian Prime Minister’s state visit to the US, India recently announced a significant partnership between Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and the American multinational corporation General Electric (GE). The agreement entails the construction of the GE F414 engine for India’s indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas Mk2 and the transfer of vital jet engine technologies. This advancement represents a significant turning point in India’s quest for cutting-edge combat jet engine technology.


During the PM’s current tour, the India-US Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) was also launched. INDUS-X is designed as a platform for start-ups and tech firms from India and the United States to work together on the co-development and co-production of cutting-edge technologies.

What is the F414 engine from GE?


The US Navy has employed the GE F414 turbofan engine for more than 30 years. It has a six-stage high-pressure compressor, an advanced high-pressure turbine, a dual-channel full authority digital engine control (FADEC), and a “fueldraulic” system for nozzle area management. When necessary, it gives unfettered engine performance, superb afterburner light and stability, and exceptional throttle responsiveness. Eight different countries have used the F414 engine to power military aircraft, making it a reliable option for contemporary fighter fighters.

Engine Requirements for India:

The F414 engine is significant for India, especially in relation to the LCA Tejas Mk2. For the LCA Tejas Mk2, the DRDO’s Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) has chosen the F414-INS6 engine, which is designed specifically for India. This tactical choice underscores India’s desire to improve its domestic defence capabilities and lessen reliance on outside suppliers. Additionally, there is a chance that India’s ambitious fifth-generation fighter aircraft, the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), will use F414 engines.

LCA Tejas Mk2: What is it?

The indigenous fighter aircraft created in India is now called the LCA Tejas Mk2. It can carry eight Beyond Visual Range (BVR) missiles at once and incorporate both indigenous and cutting-edge foreign armaments. With a mission endurance of 120 minutes as contrasted to the LCA Tejas Mk1’s 57 minutes, the LCA Mk2 has a longer range and greater mission endurance. It is meant to take the place of the Jaguar, MiG-29, and Mirage 2000 when they are replaced in the upcoming 10 years. The aircraft should be in service by 2024; production has already started.

Why is the India-US Deal for Jet Engines Important?

Critical Technology Independence:

Only the US, Russia, UK, and France have mastered the complex technology and metallurgy needed to produce engines for combat aircraft. Despite its efforts to become self-sufficient in key technology, such as cryogenic rocket engines, India has not been able to join this list. The pact is also based on the reality that the nations with the technology to produce cutting-edge fighter aircraft engines have historically been reluctant to share them.


A Key Element of the iCET:

The agreement for the transfer of technology was the subject of discussions between the US Secretary of Defence and the Indian Defence Minister earlier in June 2023. It was also a major focus of the meeting between the Indian National Security Advisor and his US counterpart when the US-India iCET became operational.

Developmental Activities of DRDO:

The GTX-37 engine for the LCA was first developed by the DRDO’s Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE), and the ambitious Kaveri engine project was introduced in 1989. This transaction is vital for its defence capabilities because despite the creation of 9 entire prototype engines, 4 core engines, and thorough testing, the engines did not match the standards for fighter aircraft.

The Technology Denial Regime is ending:

This agreement puts an end to what the last Indian prime minister, in 2008, referred to as the “technology denial regime” imposed on India by the West, headed by the US. The termination of India’s protracted isolation from nuclear technology was signalled by the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group’s waiver to the Indo-US nuclear agreement. Another significant turning point in this trip is this arrangement for the transfer of jet engine technology.

What recent developments has India made in the defence sector?

Indigenous developments in India:

indigenous weapons and systems have been successfully tested, including:

UAV Rustom-2

Combat Helicopter Light

Personal anti-tank guided missile for men

Isotope-class ballistic missile Agni-5

Medium-class advanced combat aircraft.

Indigenous naval vessel launches and commissioning, including:

Submarine INS Karanj

OPV Vijaya, a patrol boat

Nuclear missile tracking ship INS Dhruv

The stealth frigate INS Himgiri

Defence Cooperation Between India and Other Nations:

acquisition of and contract signing for foreign-sourced platforms and weapons for defence, including:

Israeli Barak rockets and Precision Guided Munitions

Russian S-400 air defence systems

French Rafale fighter aircraft

In addition to GE, India has been in contact with other major jet engine producers for the transfer of technology, including Safran SA in France and Rolls-Royce in the UK for the AMCA.

Origin: IE



In News, why?

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is authorised to investigate CIL’s actions under the Competition Act, 2002, but the Supreme Court of India recently dismissed Coal India Ltd.’s (CIL) appeal. The Competition Act should not apply to CIL, which was previously charged with engaging in unfair practises, the court determined.

What’s at Issue in the Case?


For enforcing unfair and discriminatory terms in fuel supply agreements (FSAs) with power producers, the CCI fined CIL Rs. 591 crores in 2017. It was discovered that the corporation was charging more for coal of inferior quality and adding ambiguous terms to the contract that covered supply specifications and quality. According to the CCI, Coal India and its affiliates controlled the production and supply of non-coking coal in India and acted independently of market forces.


The major coal supplier and producer in India is Coal India Ltd (CIL), a public sector enterprise.

It has a monopoly over coal delivery and mining throughout the nation thanks to the Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act of 1973, under which it operates. Up to its disinvestment in 2010, CIL was a 100 percent government-owned company. Currently, the government owns 67% of the company, constituting a majority stake.

Arguments made by CCI and CIL:

CIL’s Position:

Guidelines for the “Common Good”

CIL bases its operations on the ideas of advancing the “common good” and making sure that coal, a crucial natural resource, is distributed fairly.

A monopoly exists.

In order to support its claim that it was founded as a “monopoly” for effective coal production and distribution, CIL cites the Nationalisation Act of 1973.

Discretionary Pricing

CIL uses differential pricing to encourage the production of captive coal with the aim of preserving the larger operating ecosystem and pursuing welfare goals.

Relevance to National Policies

The availability of coal from CIL helps national initiatives including increasing allocation to promote growth in economically underdeveloped areas.

CCI’s Position:

2020 Raghavan Committee Report

The Raghavan Committee report (2020), which came to the conclusion that state monopolies like CIL are not in the best interests of the country and shouldn’t run without competition, was cited by the CCI. This demonstrates the necessity of fostering competitiveness and responsibility in a marketplace.

Defining Non-Essential Commodities

Coal has not been deemed a “essential commodity” since 2007, according to the CCI. In 2017, the Nationalisation Act was also taken out of the Ninth Schedule, which lists legislation that cannot be challenged in court. This suggests that coal should not be protected from the Competition Act of 2002 because it is subject to market dynamics.

Influence on consumers

The CCI emphasised the major effects that fluctuating coal prices and supplies have on electricity producing firms, which in turn have an indirect influence on consumers. The interests of consumers would be directly impacted by CIL’s unfair pricing or supply practises.

Allocation of Government Supply and Ownership:

Coal supply is linked to the well-being of the country via CIL’s significant coal supplies to power firms. According to the CCI, maintaining a steady supply of coal, adhering to agreements, charging fairly, and maintaining quality are all beneficial to society.

The Supreme Court’s decision:

The SC denied CIL’s request for an exemption from the Competition Act on the grounds that the Nationalisation Act of 1973 does not apply to it. The court reaffirmed the idea of “competitive neutrality” and the requirement for an even playing field, and it emphasised the necessity for fair competition and equality among businesses regardless of their industry. It emphasises how crucial competition is to promoting a healthy and effective economy.

What exactly is the 1973 Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act?

To promote the logical, coordinated, and scientific development of coal resources, the Indian Parliament passed the Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act in 1973. Coal mining was only permitted for public use under this law. In 1976, exceptions were made for subleasing in solitary small pockets for captive mining by for-profit businesses engaged in the manufacture of iron and steel. Amendments made in 1993 made it possible for the private sector to participate in captive coal mining for notified end uses such power generating and coal cleaning. A powerful committee’s decisions served as the basis for allocating coal mines for captive use. Government notification allowed coal mining for exclusive use in cement manufacturing. The Act established government oversight of coal mining in India and made only limited provisions for private sector participation in particular industries and endeavours.

What does the Indian Competition Commission do?


governmental organisation in charge of applying the 2002 Competition Act. Replaced the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practises Act of 1969 when it was established in March 2009. a quasi-judicial organisation that handles cases and renders judgements.


The Central Government appoints a Chairperson and six members.

2002 Competition Act:

The Competition Amendment Act of 2023 made additional changes to the Competition Act, which was first passed in 2002 and later updated by the Competition (Amendment) Act of 2007. The most recent modification attempts to decriminalise some Act offences, develop a system for settling investigations more quickly through commitment, and regulate mergers and acquisitions based on transaction value. prohibits the use of dominating position abuse and anti-competitive agreements. Limits combinations that have a negative impact on Indian competition. The Competition Commission of India and the Competition Appellate Tribunal (COMPAT) have been constituted in compliance with the Amendment Act’s requirements. In 2017, the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) was established by the government to take the position of COMPAT.

Role and Purpose of CCI:

removing practises that have a negative impact on competition and safeguarding consumer interests. expressing opinions on matters of competition that have been referred by statutory bodies. advocating for competition, educating the public, and offering training on the subject. ensuring fair competition and consumer protection for the development and expansion of the economy. putting in place competition policies to use economic resources effectively.

What other rulings have to do with market monopolies in India?

Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) v. Competition Commission of India (2010):

The SC upheld the CCI’s directive to look into SAIL’s supply of rails to Indian Railways for any anti-competitive behaviour. SAIL was not exempt from the Competition Act, according to SC, and its order was not subject to an initial appeal. The CCI was a required or appropriate party in any appeal before the COMPAT, the Court further declared.

Google LLC and Others v. Competition Commission of India (2021):

Investigating alleged anti-competitive practises by Google in India’s smart TV and Android app store markets, CCI filed an appeal against the Karnataka High Court’s decision. Due to lack of jurisdiction and Google’s inability to make a case, the HC annulled the CCI order. The SC stopped the CCI inquiry and gave everyone implicated notices.

Origin: TH



In News, why?

The Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have recently partnered to support women entrepreneurs in India.

What are the Partnership’s Key Highlights?


The alliance seeks to offer assistance to women who want to launch or grow their own businesses in a variety of industries, including waste management, the care economy, the digital economy, electric mobility, and more. by offering DAY-NULM capacity building support, to improve the execution of national-level policies for reducing urban poverty and promoting livelihoods. to test out cutting-edge solutions to the problems and opportunities faced by female entrepreneurs, notably in the care industry.

Timeframe and Coverage:

The project will initially cover eight cities and last for three years, with a potential extension beyond 2025.

Mission of UNDP:

In order to help DAY-NULM expand its capacity at the national level, UNDP will concentrate on knowledge creation and management tasks such compiling best practises guides for addressing urban poverty. Together, UNDP and DAY-NULM will carry out on-the-ground mobilisation tasks like locating pockets of urban poverty and potential company owners and facilitating access to business support services. In certain project regions, UNDP will further support the effort by creating community business mentors known as Biz-Sakhis. These mentors can assist both new and established businesses and act as a resource for DAY-NULM in the future.


Women’s entrepreneurship is a tried-and-true method for eradicating poverty, achieving financial security, and changing gender norms. In India now, women make up barely 15% of all entrepreneurs. By raising this number, the partnership not only gives women more agency but also speeds up economic progress and promotes social harmony. The relationship takes advantage of DAY-NULM’s mission to empower urban populations through sustainable livelihood options, as well as UNDP’s expertise in connecting over 200,000 women with better employment opportunities.

What is the National Urban Livelihoods Mission under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana?

The Urban Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation is in charge of carrying out the mission, which was established in 2014. By improving prospects for sustainable livelihood through skill development, it seeks to improve urban disadvantaged people. The programme is centrally sponsored. The Centre will receive 75 percent and the States will receive 25 percent of the funding. The ratio is 90:10 for North Eastern and Special Category. By mobilising more than 8.4 million urban poor women in India, DAY-NULM will have created more than 8,31,000 Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in more than 4,000 towns by the year 2023.

What difficulties do female business owners encounter?

lack of female role models and mentors.

a challenge in maximising the potential of typically male-dominated business networks.

prejudices and assumptions based on gender regarding a person’s capacity for reason and empathy.

societal restraints brought on by patriarchal structures and familial obligations.

difficulties in obtaining financing and poor creditworthiness.

limited financial management options and dependence on others.

What programmes are available to encourage female entrepreneurs in India?

The Indian government and numerous state governments are implementing programmes to increase women’s access to finance. One such high-potential programme for women is Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana since it provides loans with no collateral. For female business owners in agriculture, manufacturing, microcredit, retail outlets, or small companies, the Dena Shakti Scheme offers loans up to Rs. 20 lakh. The programme also offers a 0.25% discount on the interest rate. In order to reach out to the underserved population, including SCs, STs, and women entrepreneurs, the Indian government has introduced the Stand Up India Scheme. Women who hold a majority of the company are supported by Stree Shakti Yojana and Orient Mahila Vikas Yojana. The Annapurna Yojana provides loans to women who want to start a catering business.


Questions from the previous year’s UPSC Civil Services Exam (PYQ)


Q.1 “Controlling population growth requires empowering women.” Discuss. (2019)

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation for Indian women. (2015)

Q.3 In order to eliminate gender bias from women’s organisations, male membership needs to be promoted. Comment. (2013)

Origin: PIB



In News, why?

The entire community has expressed worry and attention in response to China’s recent action to obstruct a UN request to designate a LeT terrorist with a base in Pakistan as a global terrorist. China had put a hold on the UN plan to designate the terrorist in September 2022.

What causes people to worry about China’s decision to obstruct the proposal?

The United States and India’s failed motion sought to add a wanted man to the 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council’s blacklist because of his role in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. China has previously obstructed efforts to place terrorists with ties to Pakistan on the sanctions committee of the UN Security Council. In 2009, 2016, and 2017, China frequently put holds on listings that target people linked to terrorism in Pakistan. Since China appears to prioritise its relationship with Pakistan over international security cooperation, its actions have alarmed nations that wish to combat terrorism globally. It also underscores how difficult it is for the UN Security Council to agree on delicate matters relating to terrorism.

The 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee: what is it?

Its responsibility is to put in place international sanctions against terrorists. The committee is a component of the UN Security Council. The Security Council Committee and the Counter-Terrorism Committee are the other two committees with comparable responsibilities. After the Security Council Resolution 1267 branded al-Qaeda and the Taliban as terrorist organisations, the Al Qaeda committee was constituted as the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee on October 15, 1999. A distinct committee was established for the Taliban in 2011. Any UN member state may put up the name of a person or organisation to be labelled as a terrorist under the Committee regime. The 1267 Sanctions Committee, which is made up of all UNSC members, decides by consensus. By voicing concerns or placing a “technical hold” on a proposal, a committee member can stop blacklisting ideas. An asset freeze, travel ban, and an arms embargo are all imposed on someone or something that is designated as a terrorist.


Questions from the previous year’s UPSC Civil Services Exam (PYQ)


  1. There are five permanent members of the UN Security Council, and the other ten are chosen by the General Assembly to serve terms beginning in 2009.

(a) 1 year

2 years (b)

3 years (c)

  1. d) Five years

Ans: (b)

Origin: TH



In News, why?

In the deep jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula, archaeologists in Mexico have made a momentous find by unearthing the ruins of an ancient Maya city.

What Significant Discoveries Relate to the Ancient Maya City?


The trip to Ocomtn was organised by the National Institute for Anthropology and History (INAH) in Mexico. Pre-Hispanic structures were found all throughout the area using airborne laser scanning, according to the research team. This recently found city, known as Ocomtun, which means “stone column” in the Yucatec Maya language, is thought to have been a significant settlement in the central lowland region of the Yucatan Peninsula between 250 and 1000 AD. Additionally, it offers priceless insights into the complicated social and religious customs of the Maya culture, which is renowned for its intricate mathematical calendars.

Principal Findings

Elevated Terrain: One of the most unexpected discoveries was an elevated terrain encircled by marshes, which suggested a distinctive and strategic habitation plan.

Pottery: Pottery fragments discovered at the site show that Ocomtn was inhabited between 600 and 900 A.D.

The central altars, which may have been utilised for communal ceremonies, were found close to the La Riguena river. The spiritual and communal aspects of Maya life are highlighted by central altars, which imply the existence of communal ceremonies.

Pre-Hispanic Ball Games: It was a religious activity that was practised throughout the Maya region. Without using hands, players passed a rubber ball that represented the sun through a stone hoop in the game.

City Decline: Between 800 and 1000 AD, the location probably suffered substantial alterations. This time frame was congruent with the Lowland Maya civilization’s fall and collapse, which was characterised by a decline in population, urban centres, and political unrest. Ocomtn and other Maya cities fell as a result of a greater regional collapse, marking a pivotal time in Maya history.

The Maya Civilization: What is it?

Indigenous to Mexico and Central America are the Maya. They originated in the Yucatán and gained popularity around AD. 250 in modern-day western Honduras, southern Mexico, Guatemala, and northern Belize. The Maya civilization rose to prominence around 250 CE, and what archaeologists refer to as the Mayan Classic Period lasted until roughly 900 CE. One of the most developed and significant civilizations was the Maya. They created sophisticated literary, astronomical, mathematical, artistic, architectural, and religious systems. Additionally, they constructed magnificent cities with pyramids, palaces, temples, and plazas. However, a lot of their history and culture are still shrouded in mystery.

What Other Important Ancient Civilizations Exist?

Northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India: The Indus Valley Civilization

Incan Civilization: Ecuador, Peru, and Chile Mesopotamian Civilization: Iraq, Syria, and Turkey

Mexico’s Aztec Civilization

Iran’s Persian Civilization

Greece: The Ancient Greek Civilization

Egypt, home of the Old Egyptian Civilization

What are Mexico’s Key Facts?

Republic of federated states is the form of government.

Mexico City is the capital

Spanish is the official language.

Dollars: Peso

Sierra Madre is a major mountain range.

Major Rivers: Yaqui and Rio Grande



In News, why?

The start of the Star Rating Registration process for Coal and Lignite Mines for the fiscal year 2022–2023 was recently announced by the Ministry of Coal.

What is the registration procedure?


The Star Rating strategy seeks to assess mines using a number of variables spanning seven essential criteria, including

mining activities,

parameters relating to the environment,

usage of technologies

optimum mining techniques,

financial performance,

rehabilitation and relocation,

Compliance pertaining to employees and safety and security.


Following a self-evaluation process, participating miners will be further validated by committee inspections for the top 10% of performers. Everyone who participates can help with the evaluation by reviewing other mines while the remaining 90% of the mines will go via an online review process. The Coal Controller’s Organisation will carry out the evaluation. The evaluations, which range from Five Stars to NO Stars, thoroughly assess the accomplishments of each mine.


It aims to promote competition among mines and recognise their exceptional performance based on adherence to legal requirements, adoption of cutting-edge mining technology, and financial successes.

Describe coal.


It is a kind of fossil fuel that is typically referred to as “Black Gold” and is found in sedimentary rocks. It is a typical energy source that is generally accessible. It is utilised as a household fuel, in the production of power, steam engines, and the iron and steel industry. The term “thermal power” refers to coal-based electricity. The top five coal-producing nations worldwide are China, the United States, Australia, Indonesia, and India. In comparison to coal from other regions of the world, which has an ash level of 15%, Indian coal has a high ash percentage that ranges from 35 to 45%. It also has a low sulphur concentration of 0.5%.

India’s coal distribution:

Gondwana Coal Fields, which date back 250 million years:

In India, 99% of the coal produced and 98% of the reserves are made up of gondwana coal. India’s metallurgical grade and premium quality coal come from the Gondwana region. It can be found in the Narmada, Godavari, Mahanadi, and Damodar valleys in Maharashtra, Jharkhand, and West Bengal.

(15–60 million years old) Tertiary Coal Fields

Very little carbon is present, but moisture and sulphur are abundant. Important places include Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, the Himalayan foothills of Darjeeling in West Bengal, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Kerala. Tertiary coalfields are primarily found in extra-peninsular regions.


Anthracite (carbon content 80–95%; limited supply in J&K).

It is found in Jharkhand, West Bengal, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh and has a carbon concentration of 60 to 80%.

Lignite is found in Rajasthan, Lakhimpur (Assam), and Tamil Nadu and has a carbon concentration of 40 to 55 percent.

Peat is in the initial stages of the transfer from organic matter (wood) to coal and has a carbon concentration of less than 40%.


Questions from the previous year’s UPSC Civil Services Exam (PYQ)

Q1. Which of the following best describes the quality of Indian coal? (2013)

  1. high level of ash
  2. minimal sulphur content
  3. low fusion temperature for ash

Using the codes below, choose the right response:

(a) Only 1 and 2

(b) 2 only

(c) Only 1 and 3

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (a)

Origin: PIB



In News, why?

The Department of Telecom (DoT) expressed concern regarding Indian International Long-Distance Operators (ILDOs) requesting approvals for installing and maintaining underwater cables in India despite having no stake in such networks. In this regard, proposals on the “Licencing Framework and Regulatory Mechanism for Submarine Cable Landing in India” have been made public by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).

What do the TRAI’s recommendations entail?

There are two types of CLS:

Adding two categories of Cable Landing Station (CLS) locations—Main CLS and CLS “point of presence”—to the ILD/ISP-A (international long distance/Internet service provider Category A) permits. The Main CLS facility will be required to obtain all approvals for an international submarine cable (SMC) landing in India. The CLS “point of presence” will need to allow lawful interception and satisfy the necessary security drill.

Important & Vital Service:

Due to their crucial role in maintaining seamless national and international communication networks, submarine cable operations should be acknowledged as critical and essential services, and they should be given the highest level of importance for obtaining required permissions and security clearances.

Legislative Change Proposed:

The Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022 should be amended to include a section on “Submarine cable” and “Cable Landing Station” to give legal and regulatory support for the sector’s expansion and resilience.

GST and Custom Duty Exemptions:

This will solve important problems in the sector, primarily connected to cable repair and maintenance. TRAI recommends exemption from custom duty and GST for commodities and items required for CLS, submarine cable operation, and maintenance.

What are the Recommendations Meant to Mean?

Increasing Data Flow:

The proposals made by TRAI have the potential to maximise cross-border data movement, foster innovation, and solidify India’s position as a global leader in data.

Less Dependence on Foreign Suppliers:

The need for vessels owned by Indian entities for undersea cable maintenance will lessen delays and reduce dependency on foreign suppliers for undersea cable repairs.

A submarine communications cable is what, exactly?


Modern submarine cables use fiber-optic technology, with the optical fibre elements typically coated with plastic layers and contained in a protective tube appropriate for the environment where the cable will be deployed, to transmit telecommunication signals across stretches of ocean and sea.


Submarine cables provide a more dependable, economical, and capacious internet connection than satellites.


MIST Submarine Cable System (linking Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Myanmar with India)

India Asia Xpress (IAX) by Reliance Jio Infocomm (India to the Maldives, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand)

India Europe Xpress (IEX) travels from India to Italy via Saudi Arabia and Greece.

Project SeaMeWe-6 (from Singapore to France via Bangladesh, India, and the Maldives)

Africa2 Cable (which connects India and the UK via various African nations)

Origin: PIB





Produced in Surat, India, the diamond exemplifies the excellence of the nation’s diamond industry. LGD are synthetic diamonds produced in laboratories, possessing the same chemical composition and physical properties as naturally occurring diamonds. They are created through High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) processes, and were given to US First Lady Jill Biden during the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to the White House.



The Earth’s tilt on its axis, which is always at 23.5 degrees with respect to the Sun, causes the phenomenon known as the solstice, which is derived from the Latin phrase meaning “sun stands still,” and marks the longest day of the year on June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere.



The National Florence Nightingale Award was established by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India in the year 1973 as a mark of recognition for the meritorious services provided by the nurses and nursing professionals to society. Recently, the President of India presented the National Florence Nightingale Awards for the years 2022 and 2023 to the nursing professionals at a function held at Rashtrapati Bhavan.



In a case involving the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), senior counsel for a petitioner before the Madras High Court questioned the Directorate of Enforcement’s (ED) jurisdiction to insist on custodial interrogation, contending that the PMLA does not give ED officials the authority of a Station House Officer (SHO), making their demand for custody of the arrested person legally questionable.