• The 23rd Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Council of Heads of State Meeting was successfully hosted by India.



Organisation for Shanghai Cooperation (SCO):

A permanent international intergovernmental organisation is the SCO.

  • It is a military, political, and economic organisation with a focus on Eurasia that seeks to uphold stability, security, and peace in the area.

It was established in 2001. In 2003, the SCO Charter came into effect after being signed in 2002.

  • Pakistan and India joined in 2017.
  • Iran was announced to join the SCO as a full member on September 17, 2021.



Updates from the 23rd SCO Meeting:

  • The New Delhi Declaration was signed by SCO member nations.
  • Released remarks on preventing radicalization and investigating collaboration in the digital transition.

Iran received full SCO membership at the conference.

  • Belarus signed the agreement to become a member state of the SCO.
  • Achieved agreement on the SCO’s 2030 economic development plan.


Issues that exist globally:

  • Geopolitical agitation
  • Economic sluggishness
  • Energy shortages
  • Food scarcity
  • A changing climate.


The following pose the greatest threats to world peace and progress:

  • Power dynamics
  • Economic pressure
  • Decoupling technology
  • A philosophical debate.


Results achieved by SCO

The SCO envisions a shared human future:

resolutely assisting one another in defending their fundamental interests

By combining their regional cooperation efforts and national development objectives.

  • The spirit of friendly relations and good neighbourliness has been upheld by member states.

o Created partnerships based on cooperation over alliance and conversation over conflict.

  • The SCO has served as a defender of and contributor to regional stability, prosperity, and peace.


How can SCO help?

  • The SCO’s exceptional leadership position can promote collaboration and unity, embrace growth opportunities, and manage dangers and problems.
  • The SCO member nations should improve their strategic coordination, increase their practical collaboration, and aid in one another’s growth and renewal.
  • For the sake of collective security, the SCO can strengthen comradery and confidence.
  • Outside forces engineering a fresh Cold War and bloc conflict in the area.

o These developments ought to be rejected firmly and with extreme caution.

  • The SCO member nations must improve security cooperation and ruthlessly combat terrorism, extremism, and transnational organised crime.

The SCO must explore collaboration in the areas of digital, biological, and extraterrestrial security.

o assist political resolution of pressing global and regional concerns.

  • Support mutually beneficial cooperation to create a road to prosperity for everybody.
  • The SCO must build more impetus for cooperation in commerce, investments, technology, climate action, infrastructure, and interpersonal relationships.



To support the region’s strong and dependable economic growth

  • Group attempts to increase the exchange of local currencies among SCO members in order to increase collaboration on sovereign digital currency
  • to encourage the formation of a SCO development bank.


Multilateralism and the SCO:

  • The SCO has to interact with its dialogue partners, observer governments, and other regional and international organisations like the UN more frequently.

o To uphold the international order based on international law and the UN-centered international system.

  • Fostering world peace, advancing world development, and preserving the international order collectively.
  • The BRICS and G-20 summits, which will be held under the leadership of South Africa and India, respectively, will be landmark events.

To establish a multipolar global order

to encourage equitable global development

to enhance global governance


Way ahead

  • We must work to achieve sustainable, cooperative, and communal security.

to accept each nation’s sovereign decision regarding its course for growth and social structure

o Follow the UN Charter’s objectives and tenets.

  • All nations’ justifiable security interests should be taken into account.
  • Engaging in dialogue and diplomacy is your greatest bet for resolving international conflicts amicably.

o Security issues in both traditional and non-traditional areas should be handled holistically.

  • A unified, equitable, balanced, and inclusive global development cooperation is necessary.

to advance the shared human principles of freedom, democracy, equity, and development

to encourage the advancement of just and rational global government.

  • Long-arm jurisdictional actions and illegal unilateral sanctions must be opposed.

o Protecting the legitimate rights to growth and interests of emerging nations.



Analyse SCO’s goals and objectives critically. How significant is it for India?(200 WORDS, 10 MARKS) (UPSC 2021)